“Yeah Dude”

“Yeah Dude”
“Yeah Dude” filmmaker Toby Cregan, and the guys from Waves Magazine are currently working on the “Yeah Dude” project.

Yeah Dude

Yeah Dude

A film showing the world through Creed McTaggart’s eye balls as his travels across the coast of California during the American summer. raw, uncut and no frills attached.Waves Magazine sat down with Creed and Toby so they could explain their creative efforts half way through the filming process and this is what they had to say.

What is “Yeah Dude”

Creed: It’s two words that American’s say and it’s like an Australian…
Toby: It’s like an Australian ‘F**k Yeah’.
Creed: Yeah it is, Americans say it in every sentence.
But what’s the movie “Yeah Dude” about?
Toby: No, it’s going to show what’s actually going on when we travel.
Creed: It’s going to be a movie about living in America. It’s about living good and bad, living high and low, living drunk and sober and surfing of course.

Toby: Is that ok,…is that a good enough answer?

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